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FPS Provides COVID-19 Update: Contact Tracing and Blueprint Are Working So Far

Washington Elementary 4th Grade Classroom- Photo Courtesy: FPS
FREMONT- Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  •  The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.
  • The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
  • the number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  • September 4 – No Students due to training and lesson development.
    Washington Elementary student washing their hands- Photo Courtesy: FPS

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

  • Number of Students not in school due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 2
  • Number of Students not in school due to quarantine for exposure: 72
  • Total number of students absent for any illness: 52


  • Number of employees not working due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 1
  • Number of employees not working due to quarantine for exposure: 3
  • Number of certified teaching staff not at work for any reason: 23

Increases in the number of students quarantined due to exposure are testimony to the impact of contact tracing, which FPS works together with Three Rivers Public Health Department to achieve. Quarantining individuals, due to exposure, greatly limit the spread of the virus and keeps others safe.

Washington Pre-K Classroom- Photo Courtesy: FPS

The District also released the current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.
As of today, 678 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 14.15% of the overall student enrollment of 4,791.
This week the staff impacted by COVID-19 has stayed consistent. The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws.
Several Board of Education Members visited schools this week and shared the following: Mike Petersen observed, “I spent the afternoon at Linden Elementary, they are takingCOVID-19 seriously, they are following the Blueprint well.”
Washington Elementary Dual Language Classroom- Photo Courtesy: FPS

Sandi Proskovec visited Washington, Linden, and Milliken Park Elementary Schools and stated, “I asked Mark Ankersen, a custodian at Milliken Park, ‘How is it going?’ He replied, ‘Great! These kids are awesome!’ This sentiment was true over and over again. Teachers praising their students, Administrators praising their staff, everyone doing the very best with the guidelines they have been given and recognizing how great all those around them are handling the situation.”
“Our teachers and staff are willing to do anything they can to keep our kids in school,” commented Diane Stevens, Principal of Washington Elementary.
Fremont Public Schools announced today that on Friday, September 4, students will not be in attendance. The day without students will provide staff with opportunities for a wellness webinar and to make continual preparations for students.
“Our staff has been absolutely amazing – providing for in-person and online lessons at the same time is hard work – they need this time to take care of themselves, prepare lessons and sharpen skills,” stated Mark Shepard, Superintendent of Schools.

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